Overall goal – improved cross-border cooperation & deployment of ITS services
cross-border traffic
Improve cross-border traffic and transport
Harmonised ITS applications
Implement harmonised ITS applications
C-ITS in urban areas
Implementing C-ITS usecases in urban areas linked to high level road network
Increased focus on secondary road network and multimodality
Data exchange
Availability of data and optimized data exchange

- WP1 – Project management, communication and cross-corridor cooperation
- WP2 – Cross-border cooperation, TMP maintenance and improvement
- WP3 – Link to secondary road network, multimodal/urban nodes and usage of C-ITS
- WP4 – Data access and collection
- WP5 – Service delivery to end-users and safety-related services implementation
- WP6 – Impact assessment and service evaluation
- Project Management
- Communication and Dissemination
- Cross-corridor cooperation
- Support evaluation and impact assessment
- Cross-border cooperation between road operators and service providers
- Traffic management plans maintenance and improvement
- Monitor cross-border traffic flows and waiting times
- Link to multi-modal and/or urban nodes
- Link to secondary road network
- Usage of C-ITS in urban areas
- Enhancements of the National Dynamic Traffic Simulation Models
- DATEX II node implementation, profile and protocol harmonization
- Upgrade of National Access Points
- Traffic control centres / traffic management centres Upgrades
- Deployment/upgrade of roadside data collection equipment for ITS services
- Static and dynamic motorway road network infrastructure digitalisation
- Upgrade, improve and/or develop new end-user services
- Enhance the provision of safety related information
- Evaluation and quality assessment of (cross-border) services
- Evaluation and impact assessment